Hatch Squat Calculator

is a challenging program that utilizes both front and back squats on training days,

The Hatch Squat Program is a 12-week squat cycle developed by Olympic weightlifting coach Gayle Hatch that is designed to increase a lifter’s squat numbers. It is a challenging program that utilizes both front and back squats on training days, and is typically recommended for intermediate and advanced weightlifters who are looking to break through a plateau on their squat. While the program was originally designed with weightlifters in mind, it could also be effective for off-season powerlifting training.

If you’re considering starting the Hatch Squat Program, there are a few things to keep in mind.

First, it is a challenging program that should only be attempted by intermediate or advanced lifters who are already comfortable with front and back squats.

Second, because the program is designed to increase your squat numbers, it will require a significant commitment to training and recovery, so it’s important to make sure you have the time and energy to devote to the program.

Finally, it may be helpful to work with a coach or experienced lifter who can help you properly execute the program and make any necessary adjustments based on your individual needs and goals.

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