Hold Yourself To A High Standard, Not An Impossible One

There are only a handful of clients I have ever worked with that followed a meal plan or nutrition coaching protocols to an absolute tee.

It’s just their personalities. Everything to them is 0s and 1s – nothing is a grey area.  So when they follow particular instructions, it’s 100% of the time.

Yes these people get results the fastest and can maintain it long term, but they are outliers to the rest of us.

Impossible standards as I’ve mentioned above is trying to do everything perfectly and getting no where or getting nothing done.

A high standard, is just keeping you away from the negatives things whilst getting things done.

Holding yourself to a high standard means challenging and holding yourself accountable to operating at a level above of your current comfort zone, but not completely over it!

Holding yourself to a high standard is about developing the discipline to establish behaviors and habits for sustainable long-term success.

The longer the timeline applied to your high standard, the greater the likelihood it will work for you. 

This week hold yourself to a high standard, not an impossible one.

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