Going Vegetarian For One Month

Why now?

It’s the best time.

Right now I feel great, my sleep is fantastic, my energy is long lasting and training has been super consistent. From an overall health perspective everything is running well and I’m content.

But it got me thinking- what could I improve from my day to day choices and the impact that they have?

Insert the David Attenborough Documentary. Could I do a little better. Probably… Definitely.

If you’ve yet to watch it, do yourself and favour and get to it soon, it’s profound but also scary.

I’ve coached many people who’s nutritional requirements were pescatarian, vegetarian and vegan who all had goals exactly like you and me – lose weight/tone up, look and feel better.

I always found it slightly harder to related and coach them than I did people on traditional diets. This is also a reason I’ll be going vegetarian for 4 weeks – to deliver a better service to more and more people who come to me for help and have made a decision to cut out animal products.

Can someone like me (or) you, who has lots of awareness, immense self-control and is super in touch with their body cues thrive and perform on a vegetarian diet?

Well let’s find out!

Another reason? Science. That’s another reason. It’s pretty indisputable that some of the healthiest populations on the planet follow a close to vegetarian diet (some more plant based and some with more animal products).

However, some things won’t be changing:

Fasting days – the 24 hour fast once a week isn’t going anywhere.

Protein is still key. My meals will still revolve around a wholefood protein source.

Vegetables with all main meals – if anything I’ll probably be eating more.

Supplementation: Fish Oil, Zinc, Magnesium, Vitamin D (when not in sun) as well as adding  B vitamin complex.

The biggest change and what I am most interested in discovering is carbs. The biggest difference is going to be my carbohydrate intake.

Have you ever gone high carb (healthy carb not just pizzas and burgers) and felt better?

I’ve always felt best on low-moderate carbs and always prioritised fats.

To get the full experience of a wholefood vegetarian diet my carbs are definitely going into the high range. I’m super curious to see how my training and fitness will feel and I hope it blows me away!

Are You Supplementing With Zinc?

Are You Supplementing With Zinc?

Fish Oil, Zinc and Magnesium

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