Chasing Aesthetics & Health Won’t Follow

By Coach Marco

Or maybe a better email subject could be ‘Health Over Aesthetics’.

What I mean by aesthetics is the single narrowed-minded focus on how you look vs how you feel, think and perform.

You may have read my previous blog – The Cost Of Getting Lean.

If you did, then you would have some idea that people who train for aesthetics only, can be quite unhappy and unhealthy. Check it out before moving down the page.

A healthy body generally produces a decent physique. (consistency of good healthy habits over perfection)

An amazing physique is not necessarily a product of a healthy lifestyle. (Perfection over consistency and we know perfection is not sustainable).

Aesthetics don’t always equal health.

So if you are solely chasing aesthetics only health will not follow, in fact in some cases health (both mind and body) can deteriorate.

When you are focused only on aesthetics you can develop obsessions, and obsessions throw off balance.

You begin training 6-7 times a week for multiple hours.

You start missing social events and become awkward towards your friends.

You take 10 selfies a day.

You force your body into a constant sympathetic state.

All in the pursuit of looking a certain way.

When we open up social media and have a tantrum about how much more ripped other people are compared to us know that this is not coming from the place of health – but probably self-image.

Start re-framing this more around health.

I am suggesting that in our day and age we have pushed aesthetics so far as a concern that this relationship does not apply to this extent anymore.

Today I’d like to invite you to start putting more energy and effort towards health vs aesthetics, because the more clarity you get, the more efficient your actions, and the more present you will be to who you decide to be.

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