Can Aerobic Training Make You Stronger?

Aerobic training deserves its place in the spotlight alongside strength training. Its advantages extend far beyond merely burning calories – it lays the foundation for endurance, boosts energy production, enhances cardiovascular health, and nurtures valuable life skills.

Are you looking to enhance your fitness routine and achieve better results both inside and outside the gym? If so, it’s time to consider the often overlooked but incredibly valuable practice of aerobic training. You might have heard it referred to as cardio, metcon, aerobics, or conditioning – whatever the name, its benefits are worth exploring.

Key Findings:

  1. Foundation for Endurance and Recovery: Aerobic training builds endurance and aids recovery, benefiting resistance training. It sets the stage for effective anaerobic training by enhancing oxygen utilization and fuel substrate use.
  2. Efficient Energy Production: Aerobic training efficiently generates ATP, fueling daily activities. More mitochondria are produced, enhancing ATP production for daily tasks and workouts.
  3. Enhanced Cardiovascular Health: Regular aerobic exercise promotes cardiovascular health, benefiting the heart, lungs, and muscles. It contributes to overall vitality and well-being.


  1. Incorporate Aerobic Training: Add aerobic exercises to your routine, complementing strength training for better endurance and recovery.
  2. Prioritize Overall Well-being: Embrace aerobic training for energy and cardiovascular benefits, focusing on overall health.
  3. Practice Sustainable Habits: Embrace patience and steady progress in training and life for lasting results.

In this best practice guide we will dive into the world of aerobic training and discuss four compelling reasons why you should incorporate it into your fitness program. Whether you’re a seasoned athlete or just starting your fitness journey, aerobic training can play a crucial role in your overall well-being.

FOUNDATION: Building Endurance and Recovery

Think of aerobic fitness as the solid foundation on which other training elements are built. When your body is efficient aerobically, it can endure longer periods of contraction, which is essential for any type of resistance training. Even if you primarily focus on strength exercises, integrating slower aerobic work into your routine can lead to significant benefits.

Moreover, the aerobic system lays the groundwork for anaerobic energy system training. Just as we must crawl before we walk, slow and steady aerobic work sets the stage for more intense anaerobic exercises. Efficient oxygen utilization, fostered through aerobic training, complements the use of anaerobic fuel substrates during intense workouts.

EFFICIENCY: Boosting Energy Production

Producing energy is a fundamental requirement for all our daily activities, both inside and outside the gym. Aerobic training is the most efficient way for our bodies to generate energy or ATP (adenosine triphosphate), which fuels our movements and actions.

When you engage in regular aerobic training, your body adapts by creating more mitochondria – the powerhouses of our cells. These mitochondria contribute to a more efficient production of ATP, providing you with the energy you need to tackle daily tasks and crush your workouts.

VITALITY: Enhancing Cardiovascular Health

The cardiovascular benefits of aerobic training are widely recognized. By engaging in regular aerobic exercise, you promote the healthy functioning of your heart, lungs, and muscles. Think of aerobic training as a way to harmonize these vital systems, making them work in seamless unison.

It’s important to note that while elite athletes can experience tremendous benefits from aerobic training, the focus for the general population should be on overall health rather than reaching peak performance.

BEHAVIOR: Cultivating Patience and Long-Term Habits

Aerobic training goes beyond physical improvements; it also has a profound impact on your mental and emotional well-being. Sustain training, which involves pacing and developing the aerobic system over time, teaches you patience and delayed gratification.

This journey of steady progress, as taught in some training programs, can be transformative. It instills a valuable lesson – sustainable practices lead to sustainable behaviors. Embracing this mindset not only elevates your fitness journey but also has positive carryover to other aspects of life.


Aerobic training deserves its place in the spotlight alongside strength training. Its advantages extend far beyond merely burning calories – it lays the foundation for endurance, boosts energy production, enhances cardiovascular health, and nurtures valuable life skills.

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