Are You Immuno Compromised?

By Coach Marco

This term ‘immunocomprimised’ has been making it’s way through articles and the media outlets since covid-19 hit.

Being immunocompromised really just means having a weakened/weak immune system, which reduces the body’s ability to fight infections and other diseases.

At an extreme level – cancer patients can become immunocompromised (at least for a period of time) due to the disease, as a result of treatment they are undergoing, or a combination of both reasons.   

So really my question is, ‘is your immune system working as well as it should’?

Are you finding yourself getting sick more often?

Are you more stressed out more than usual?

Are you having unexplained stomach issues?

Do you feel tired all the time?

If one of these pricked up at you, keep reading on.

Here is what you need to start prioritising TODAY.

And yes, no matter how many times I write it and you read it – it’s the same old good stuff 😉


According to a 2015 study published in the Journal of Immunology Research, sleep deprivation makes you more susceptible to viral and bacterial infections, so it’s especially smart for immunocompromised people to get quality sleep. Get your 8 hours in every night – simples 😉


Limit your vices!! They can weaken the immune system even further, such as smoking, drinking alcohol, and eating excessive junk food. I can write a months worth of emails on this one. If you are feeling one of the symptons above, restrict, if you aren’t enjoy your vices every so often.

Eat Real Food!

It’s best to get these vitamins (and any other vitamins) through food rather than supplements since your body often absorbs them more easily this way. 

Supplement To Fill In Gaps

Remember, supplements shouldn’t replace eating healthy food, it should just fill in the gaps.

Zinc can be tough to get enough of even with a healthy diet. So these are my go to 3 supplements when I’m looking to boost immune function.

  1. Vitamin D
  2. Zinc
  3. Vitamin C

Move, no matter how little.

Staying active and exercising regularly can boost your immune system and may help the body fight infections.

Attitude is everything!

A positive mindset is vital for health and well-being.

Research shows that positive thoughts reduce stress and inflammation and increase resilience to infection — while negative emotions can make you more immunocomprismised!

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