A Guide to Measuring Your Meals with Just Your Hands

Portioning your meals should be  easy.

Portioning your meals should be  easy.

Why? Because itʼs sustainable and youʼll eventually just do it  subconsciously.

Itʼll take all the guess work and stress out of it too. Youʼll stay lean, youʼll stay healthy and be able to enjoy your food!

If you hate the idea of measuring your food, counting your calories or worse your macronutrients then youʼll love what we are about to show you.
All you need is one of your hands.

Vegetables or Fruits
1 Serving = Approximately 1 Fist
For leafy greens, 1 serving – 2 Fists
For starchy vegetables such as Potatoes and Pumpkin 1 serving is half a fist
Remember to limit Fruit Intake to 1-2x per day at a   max

Lean Proteins
1 Serving = Approximately 1 Palm
For larger or active people, especially men, 1 serving = 2 Palms Lean Protein can include:Lean Red Meat (Beef, Pork etc) Poultry (chicken, turkey, duck etc) Fish and Seafood
Some Dairy Eggs
Tofu or Tempeh

Whole Grains, Beans, & Legumes
1 Serving = Approximately 1/2 fist
For larger or active people, especially men, 1 serving = 1 fist
Beans & legumes can include chickpeas, lentils, black beans, kidney beans, pinto beans, fava beans,  etc.
Whole grains ideally means whole grains  -i.e. the whole, intact grain seed (rather than processed flours, breads, bagels, noodles and pasta  etc)
Whole grains can include:
Whole or steel-cut oats Brown, red or wild rice
Quinoa, amaranth, buckwheat groats Whole wheat, spelt, or kamut grains Corn

Healthy Fats
1 Serving = Approximately 1 Thumb
For larger or active people, especially men, 1 serving = 2 thumbs Healthy fats can include:Nuts (e.g. almonds, walnuts, cashews, etc.) Nut butters (e.g. almond  butter)
Seeds (e.g. pumpkin seeds, hemp seeds, chia seeds, etc.) Olives and extra-virgin olive oilAvocado Butter
Coconut, coconut milk, coconut  oil
Cold-pressed oils such as hemp, pumpkin seed, flax or walnut oil Fatty fish such as Salmon

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