A Guide to the Glycemic Index (GI)

High glycemic foods turn into blood sugar very quickly

What is the Glycemic Index  (GI)?

The Glycemic Index (GI) is one the best tools for fat  loss.

It measures how quickly foods breakdown into sugar in your bloodstream. High glycemic foods turn into blood sugar very quickly. Starchy foods like potatoes are a good example. Potatoes have such a high GI rating; its almost the same as eating table  sugar.

What is the Glycemic load?  (GL)

The GI tells you how fast foods spike your blood   sugar. But the GI wonʼt tell you how much carbohydrate per serving youʼre getting. Thatʼs where the Glycemic Load is a great help. It measures the amount of carbohydrate in each service of food.

Foods with a glycemic load under 10 are good choices—these foods should be your first choice for carbs. Foods that fall between 10 and 20 on the glycemic load scale have a moderate effect on your blood sugar. Foods with a glycemic load above 20 will cause blood sugar and insulin spikes. Try to eat those foods sparingly.

Food  Glycemic Index (glucose = 100)  Serving size (grams)  Glycemic load per serving
Banana cake, made with  sugar476060
Banana cake, made without  sugar556060
Sponge cake, plain466363
Apple muffin, made with rolled oats446060
and sugar   
Apple muffin, made with rolled oats486060
and without sugar   
Bagel, white, frozen727070
Baguette, white, plain953030
Hamburger bun613030
Food  Glycemic Index (glucose = 100)  Serving size (grams)  Glycemic load per serving
Bread roll733012
50% cracked wheat kernel bread583012
White wheat flour bread, average753011
Wonder bread, average733010
Whole wheat bread, average69309
100% Whole Grain bread51307
Pita bread, white683010
Corn tortilla525012
Wheat tortilla30508
Coca Cola63250ml16
Fanta, orange soft  drink68250ml23
Apple juice, unsweetened41250ml12
Cranberry juice cocktail (Ocean Spray)68250ml24
Gatorade, orange flavour (US formula)89250ml13
Orange juice, unsweetened, average50250ml12
Tomato juice, canned, no sugar  added38250ml4
All-Bran, average44309
Coco Pops, average773020
Cornflakes, average813020
Cream of Wheat, instant7425022
Muesli, average563010
Oatmeal, average5525013
Instant oatmeal, average7925021
Puffed wheat cereal803017
Food  Glycemic Index (glucose = 100)  Serving size (grams)  Glycemic load per serving
Raisin Bran613012
Special K (US formula)693014
Pearled barley, average2515011
Sweet corn on the cob486014
White rice, boiled, type non-specified7215029
Quick cooking white basmati6315026
Brown rice, steamed5015016
Parboiled Converted white rice3815014
Whole wheat kernels, average455015
Vanilla wafers772514
Rice cakes, average822517
Rye crisps, average642511
Ice cream, regular, average62508
Ice cream, premium (Connoisseur)38503
Milk, full-fat, average31250ml4
Milk, Skim, average31250ml4
Reduced-fat yogurt with fruit,  average3320011
Apple, average361205
Banana, raw, average4812011
Food  Glycemic Index (glucose = 100)  Serving size (grams)  Glycemic load per serving
Dates, dried, average426018
Grapes, black5912011
Oranges, raw, average451205
Peach, average421205
Peach, canned in light syrup521209
Pear, raw, average381204
Pear, canned in juice441205
Prunes, pitted296010
Baked beans  40  150  6
Black beans301507
Chickpeas, canned in  brine421509
Red beans, average3915012
Kidney beans, average  34  150  9
Lentils  28  150  5
Soy beans, average  15  150  1
Cashews, salted  22  50  3
Peanuts  13  50  1
Macaroni and Cheese (Kraft)6418033
Spaghetti, white, boiled, average4618022
Spaghetti, white, boiled 20 min5818026
Spaghetti, whole-grain, boiled4218017
Food  Glycemic Index (glucose = 100)  Serving size (grams)  Glycemic load per serving
Corn chips, plain,  salted425011
Fruit Roll-Ups993024
M & Mʼs, Peanut33306
Microwave popcorn, plain, average65207
Potato chips, average565012
Pretzels, oven-baked833016
Snickers Bar, average516018
Green peas54804
Carrots, average39802
Baked russet potato11115033
Boiled white potato, average8215021
Instant mashed potato,  average8715017
Sweet potato, average7015022
Hummus (chickpea, salad dip)6300
Chicken nuggets, frozen, reheated  in461007
microwave oven 5 min   
Pizza, plain baked dough, served with8010022
parmesan cheese and tomato sauce   
Pizza, Super Supreme (Pizza Hut)361009
Honey, average612512


  1. Focus on nutrient-dense, low-glycemic foods: The glycemic load of a food is determined by its glycemic index (GI) and the amount of carbohydrates it contains. To manage the glycemic load, focus on eating foods that have a low GI and are high in fiber, protein, and healthy fats, such as vegetables, nuts, seeds, legumes, and whole grains. These types of foods will help you feel full and satisfied, while also keeping your blood sugar levels stable.
  2. Control portion sizes: Even healthy, low-glycemic foods can contribute to weight gain if you eat too much of them. To keep your glycemic load in check, be mindful of portion sizes, especially when it comes to high-carb foods like fruits and starchy vegetables. Aim to eat moderate portions of these foods, and balance them out with a source of protein and healthy fat to help slow the release of sugar into your bloodstream.
  3. Limit added sugars: Added sugars are a significant source of empty calories that can quickly raise your glycemic load and contribute to weight gain. To manage your health and weight, limit your intake of added sugars, such as those found in processed foods, sugary drinks, and desserts. Instead, opt for naturally sweet foods like fresh fruit, which provide both fiber and nutrients along with the sweetness.
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