Brain Food!

By Coach Marco

If food can improve your physical performance and your recovery, then why can’t it also improve your mental and cognitive performance?

Well it can!

This got me thinking recently.

A client of mine, who has made some drastic lifestyle behaviors (good work Alex!!) is noticing huge improvements in his memory recall and feeling sharper between the ears.

Which also got me thinking and wanting to share the following with you:

Have you got an exam coming up?

A huge presentation?

A really really important interview?

Maybe you are working on a creative project?

Is there a certain time and day in the near future where you need to be mentally ON?

If so, here are five foods, which are backed by science, that is absolute rocket fuel for your cognition and brain function.

1. Eggs

Eggs contain many vital nutrients, including choline.

Choline has been linked by many researchers to increased cognitive ability, and even improved memory.

Plus, they’re cheap and relatively easy to make. Hard-boil some eggs, and keep them nearby.

2. Salmon

Salmon has been found to have some amazing impacts on brain function,mostly due to the big concentrations of Omega fatty acids within the tissues.

Those fatty acids, and the ones found in salmon in particular, are a perfect match for our neurons and help support healthy brain tissue.

3. Dark Chocolate

In this case, we’re talking about the high concentrations of Flavanols, which are present in cocoa beans. Flavanols have been shown to lower blood pressure, and even help regulate blood sugar, but they also are tied to memory and cognitive abilities.

4. Blueberries

Blueberries help increase the production of dopamine, a natural neurotransmitter that will keep your brain firing for longer. They’re also high in fibre and proanthocyanidins, which protect the brain from toxins, helping maintain alertness and concentration.

5. Water! (Boring.. I know, but it’s true)

In addition to improving your complexion and helping to keep you fuller longer, the clear stuff can also keep you on a creative track. Our brains are made up of 80 percent water, so staying hydrated is essential if we want to be running at full speed.

So, why not cook some eggs with a side of salmon, a handful of blueberries finished off with some small pieces dark chocolate and loads of water the next time you set off to conquer your day and see how you go 🙂

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