Top Three Mistakes That Slow Progress

By Coach Shenae

If you are new to trying to lose weight/fat or have done it before but could do with a bit more this email is for you!

Here are the top three mistakes people make when trying to lose weight and get fit that ultimately stall their progress.

Good Angel vs Bad Angel.

You are a calorie angel during the week and a calorie devil during the weekend.

You eat perfectly during the week, enough that if you did this over a period of a few months you would drop a decent amount of body fat.

Unfortunately you eat like a devil on the weekend consuming everything in your path that your total calories for the week skyrocket and your body does the opposite.

You are only as good as your last meal, enjoy yourself on the weekend, but as the saying goes ‘everything in moderation’.. you naughty devil.

Ego Training Day In Day Out.

Not taking enough rest days or adding in enough low intensity days.

It’s great to be motivated and train hard every session (not really).

Are you that person who doesn’t feel like you are working out unless you have pushed yourself to absolute failure every session?

The body is not made that way, I’ve coached and know people who have got strong AF following strength programs working at 70-80%.

Progress stalls from over training – it’s science.

Be kinder to your body!

I’m Gonna Do It Like The Pros Do It

Trying to be perfect instead of consistent.

If you’re perfect, you never fail, and if you never fail, you never learn.

You spend so much time perfecting your healthy habit that you never actually get started.

Instead of trying to following a style of eating perfectly, start with a simple habit of just trying to have a good quality source of protein with each meal. Work on that until it’s set in place as a habit and then start adding to handfuls of veggies to accompany the protein etc etc! Being consistent with your approach to training and nutrition is going to yield potentially slower, but more sustainable and long term results.

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