Eat All The Carbs… Appropriately

By Coach Marco

I bet the ‘eat ALL the carbs’ roped you into this one today 😉

I’m glad I got your attention, cause this one’s simple and easy to understand, and unless you are a keto zealot then you’re gonna be eating carbs sometime soon.

The way I teach my clients about eating carbs is it should mirror your energy output.

Or as I’ve said over and over – “Earn your carbs.”

One simple rule I follow, and encourage ALL my clients to follow, is to eat less carbs on days you aren’t as active.

Carbohydrates are your main source of energy for medium to high-intensity activity, but it’s not our only source.

It’s important to also note that the body actually doesn’t need carbs unlike some essential protein and fats which we cannot function without.

But the purpose of this email isn’t to go through what carbs are, what they do and which ones are good vs which ones are bad (that would be quite a humongous email, but if you do want to see that please let me know!).


No, the purpose of today’s email is to simply state when it’s appropriate to eat carbs, depending on your goal (fat loss or weight gain).

Fat Loss Appropriate.

I’ve stated carbs should be used and consumed as your main energy source for medium to high intensity, or just on your higher ‘movement days’.

These are the times you are most sensitive to ‘insulin” so that the body can to use blood glucose more effectively, reducing blood sugar.

Remember insulin sensitivity is a good thing!

So when are you most insulin sensitive?

After a workout.

After a cold shower.

Even better – After both!

You are also insulin sensitive when you are well rested and not stressed.

Unfortunately we go for carbs rich foods on days we haven’t trained, are stressed out of our eye balls and probably has a terrible nights sleep – do you see the problem here?!

Weight Gain Appropriate

Anytime of the day, especially before bed.

Go hard, you won’t be able to do this forever 😉

Remember, eat your carbs, when its appropriate, and it’s most appropriate when your body is most insulin sensitive 🙂

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