Don’t Stress… One Bad Meal Won’t Make You Fat

We’ve all been there…

That fried chicken burger begging to be demolished with fries and a chocolate milkshake, or that extra pizza slice (or three) to really make sure you’re getting the full taste experience.

Here is the message, which I think you’ll enjoy.

One bad meal isn’t going to make you fat.

Not even two or three bad meals (don’t get any ideas).

It’s how we choose to let that meal affect us later that can be the determining factor to gaining weight or not.

Some people think, sh*t…. that one bad meal on a Friday night has just ruined all the good work I did during the week, so I may as well go all in this weekend and start again Monday.

That’s a choice, with a terrible justification method, which will move you much faster towards weight gain.

Or you choose to create a negative conditioned response with a whole chain reaction of consequences.

You feel bad that you ate ‘bad’ food, it makes you depressed so you eat more bad food because you are depressed about being depressed.

It’s really the actions we take after that ‘bad meal’ that is what you should be focusing on.

Because let’s be real, it’s going to happen from time to time.

But wasting energy and time on something that is now in the past isn’t going to help you move forward.

However, also remember that if you eat as healthy as possible for one day, you’re not going to be shredded either.

This stuff takes time. And it takes being consistent over that time – one outlier won’t change that.

Whatever ‘bad’ food you ate, you simply move on. That’s all you can do. Put it behind you and continue towards your goals and you won’t even notice a setback.

I give you bonus points if you actually ENJOYED the food you ate, too, because food is meant to be enjoyed.

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