Why Training In The Morning Makes You More Consistent.

By Coach Marco

There is something to be said about someone who willing to pay $100+ for personal training to wake up at 4:30am to get to the gym by 5am. 

I mean, that’s some willpower right there.

In fact, when I used to be a personal trainer, my clients with the lowest cancellation rate (the whole “sorry cant come today etc etc”) were my early early morning clients.

I  would have way more cancellations mid-morning, afternoon and definitely in the evening.

I can’t tell you the amount of times I would come home early because my last client couldn’t make it.

We have so much more control of our morning than we do the afternoon and evening. It’s just how life works out for most of us.

No one is calling you to an important meeting at 6am, but you may be stuck in one until 6pm hence cancelling on your training session/trainer.

Now, there are obviously outliers here.

I know some very very fit, strong and dedicated people who train in the evening no matter what comes up throughout their day.

But training is part of their identity, so they don’t count 🙂

Morning people are usually more:

  • Proactive – they don’t wait for things to come to them.
  • More productive, in – you guessed it …In the morning!
  • Have better habits in place.
  • Usually make better decisions throughout the day regarding their eating behaviours.

So how can you be a morning person? 

Well, start by creating the habit. (‘I can be a morning person, if I just try).

  • Write down what day, time and where you’ll be going to to gym (I know it seems obvious and trivial but it works!)
  • Make sure your workout clothes are ready for you in the morning.
  • Make yourself accountable with a workout partner.

If you are reading this and you are a morning person, then my action to you is talk to one non-morning person this week and invite them along for a session – help them become more productive!

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