Focus On The Other 23 Hours

We are so ultra focused on the 1 hour we spend in the gym.

Our warm up and activation routine has to be perfect. You have to connect with what you are doing or you risk potential injury.

Perfect technique is key and the need to achieve the weight programmed is essential.. if you don’t it may ruin your day.

How about the other 23 hours though?

What focus and perfection do we put on that?

Our posture while we work? Maybe even your posture as you are reading this email?

Do you put effort into balancing what you are doing during the day?

Most don’t because we’ve never been taught to think this way.

It’s definitely something I’ve shifted my focus toward over the last few years and noticed a difference.

For example, (please don’t laugh at me), I’ve been brushing my teeth with my left hand (i’m right handed) for over a year now.

The first month or so was a disaster, no coordination or rhythm.. it was embarrassing and not to mentioned the amount of toothpaste that ended up outside of my mouth! Good news though, it’s a total breeze now 🙂

I’m now moving onto open doors with my left hand, which I sometimes still forgot.

What can you notice about yourself daily?

When you are sitting at the table eating a meal, or sitting writing something down, what’s the position of your body look like?

Are you leaning/flexing to one side?

Try leaning or flexing to the other side.

If you wash the dishes, switch the hand you usually have the sponge in.

When you are bending over to get a pot from the cupboard what’s your movement pattern look like? If you usually balance on the one leg, what about trying the other one.

These are all examples of ways you can improve your balance, coordination and movement throughout the day, outside of that 1 hour full focused workout routine.

Today, identify something really simple that you can bring some daily awareness to, like brushing your teeth, and let me know how you go 🙂

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