6 Week Weight Loss Challenge Blueprint

This is a tested and proven method designed to help you lose weight in a structured and sustainable manner over a six-week period.

This is a tested and proven method designed to help you lose weight in a structured and sustainable manner over a six-week period.

The challenge includes nutrition planning, with the goal of promoting healthy lifestyle habits that can be continued beyond the six weeks. The recommended rate of weight loss for such a challenge is 0.5-1 kg per week, which is considered a safe and sustainable.

Follow this religiously to achieve maximum results.

WEEK 1 – Day 1 -7

  • Cut all processed food, junk food and sugar.
  • Reduce dairy consumption to only milk, used in coffee or tea.
  • All your meals should be proportioned as per the portion control guidance.
  • Limit starch intake to once a day (Sourdough bread or brown rice), if you don’t have these stick to vegetables.
  • Replace your sugar cravings with fruit, with a glycemic load of 5 or under.
  • Reduce Alcohol intake to gluten free alcohol. Up to 6 standard drinks this week.

WEEK 2 – Day 8 -15

  • Cut out all dairy. This can be replaced with unsweetened organic almond/macadamia/coconut milk. 
  • Continue to measure your food using the portion control guide.
  • Begin food preparation for 3-5 days ahead.
  • Reduce Alcohol intake further. Up to 4 standard drinks this week.

WEEK 3 – Day 16 – 23

  • 1 Day of the week is allocated to intermittent fasting using the “Eat Stop Eat method. (pick your rest day)
  • No starch, no dairy, no sugar – cut out sourdough and brown rice.
  • Continue to measure your foods.
  • Reduce red meat intake to 2-3 times a week and replace with chicken or fish.
  • Reduce Alcohol intake further. Up to 2 standard drinks this week.

WEEK 4 – Day 24 – 31

  • Continue intermittent fasting* 1 day a week.
  • Reduce overconsumption of fruit when looking to crave sugar or cheat.
  • Look at Grass fed beef, organic chicken, free range eggs and wild fish as meal options.
  • No Alcohol for 3 weeks.

WEEK 5 – Day 32 – 39

WEEK 6 – Day 40 – 47

  • 2 day a week of intermittent fasting
  • Nothing other than alternative meals until the end of the 6 weeks!

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Where will I get carbs if I don’t eat grains?

There are plenty of carb sources aside from refined foods and grain products. Treat your vegetables as your main carb source

Q: Won’t my cholesterol be too high if I eat lots of Eggs?

Cholesterol is a precursor molecule to all of our hormones. We need it, and it isn’t healthy to have a cholesterol level that is too low. Our bodies make as much as we need to function properly and keep oxidative damage from taking over.

Typically your cholesterol numbers will improve by medical standards on a Paleo diet as a result of reduced stress and lowered inflammation in your system that’s results from removing sugar, grains, legumes, processed dairy products and refined foods.

Q: What can I eat for breakfast?

Real food! What other animal on the planet eats “Breakfast foods”?  Breakfast actually means break-fast. When you sleep you are fasting… the first meal you eat once you awake breaks that fast! You can eat anything for breakfast as long as you stick to the Paleo way of eating. You may just need an extra ten minutes to cook meat or eggs.

Q: Do I need to stop drinking alcohol?

Yes, avoid alcohol entirely if you want to see the best possible results for yourself in the shortest time possible. If you are dealing with a specific health condition, eliminating alcohol is highly recommended.

Q: What should I drink if I’m tired of plain water?

Freshly cut and squeezed lemon, lime or even orange wedges are a great and easy way to give your water a kick.  You can also try the “spa water” approach by adding cucumber slices with fresh mint leaves, as well as other fruits or berries (just a couple of slices/pieces are plenty) to make it more interesting.

Q: Do I really need to stop eating bread, pasta and cereal forever.

If by “forever” you the next 6 weeks, then –YES. It can take some time to create new habits and it can be difficult at first (6 weeks). But at the very least, it’s worth eliminating these foods from your diet 100% for this 6 weeks. Examine how you feel after the 6 weeks and then make a choice about re-introducing them back in. You are likely to feel significantly different about these foods after the 6 weeks. It can be very profound, you may not even be interested in them again!

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