3 Ways To Take Anxiety Out Of Your Daily Nutrition

By Coach Marco

I know first hand the frustration and anxiety most people face around their day to day nutrition. If you are someone who is trying to lose weight, on the way down or achieved your dream body and simply trying to maintain it.

Thoughts like these on the daily:

“Am I eating enough?”

“Am I getting the right nutrients?”

“Why don’t I like eat anything green??”

“Is what I am eating too much???”

I hear you.

The good news: It is completely possible to get the nutrients you need without everything being perfect. Because let’s face it – When does that ever happen?

I’ve worked with hundreds clients—many of whom are looking for the perfect answers to these questions.

Here’s what I tell them:

You don’t need to win the Best Lunch Contest, make the world’s healthiest family dinners, or demand you and your kids eat a huge plate of vegetables with every single meal.

Instead, take another approach: Be persistent, not too harsh and take the long view.

Here are 3 ways to take the anxiety of of your daily nutrition.

1. Don’t Justify or Moralise Your Food Choices.

This is an absolute pet peeve of mine.

Talking about food in terms of ‘good’ or ‘bad’ can lead to shame (when eating cheat foods) or approval seeking (food choices). This always over complicates our relationship with food. Understand that it’s completely normal to eat for pleasure just as it’s normal to eat for a fit healthy functioning body!

2. Don’t Pressure Yourself Too Much

Remember stay consistent, never perfect. That means even though I want your plates to be full of coloured vegetables, and always eating every 3-4 hours it’s not always realistic, just roll with it and understand if you stay with it 80-85% of the time things will always balance out.

3. Make Meals Delicious

Use pasta alternatives such as zucchini noodles or cauliflower rice or even low calorie wraps (is it me or does everything taste better in wraps) so that you never feel like you are missing out on anything. Make your solid food 20% smaller than usual and have a fruit smoothie on the side.

When you give yourself some choice and control, a basic understanding of why nutrition matters, and a safe, low-stress environment to try some food experiments… a lot can change for the better!

Delayed Gratification

Delayed Gratification

By Coach Marco

Learn Health & Nutrition, Don’t Just Copy & Follow

Learn Health & Nutrition, Don’t Just Copy & Follow

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